Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Brief Visit to Right Brain Brewery

Looking back, I wish we would have spent more time at the Right Brain Brewery. After having been to the two other breweries in town (and a few wineries) over the 4th of July weekend getaway in Traverse City, we had a little trouble finding Right Brain since it was a little "off the beaten path" and in a little bit of an industrial area (or so it looked at night). Once inside, it was packed and we could barely find room at the bar.

Like many breweries, they had a chalkboard with today's offerings but this was a giant chalkboard. And the offerings were crazy! They had a plethora of cleverly named beers but it was the ingredients/flavors of the beers that were so unusual - rosemary, chocolate, cayenne, sweet corn, double hopped, triple hopped, etc. We were thinking about getting a sampler tray (6 8oz samples for $15) but with all the hops mentioned, I didn't have any I'd like to try and Tim picked only three. We couldn't even fill up the 6-spots in the sampler request so we ended up with just tasting three:

Magnum Hospitality - Double IPA
T] Too much hops, can't enjoy it - 5/10

Will Power Pale
T] - 7/10

CEO Stout
T] Very good, good coffee, roasty - 9/10

We were actually going to come here for dinner but it didn't work out - this is more of a beer-only kind of place, with the options of peanuts and chips and hommus and such. We ended up just trying those three tastes quickly but knowing we had to head somewhere else for dinner before they closed (it was after 9).

Looking back, I wish my initial response to parsley and cayenne and thyme wasn't "weird" and we should've tried them at least. Also going on a weekend that isn't the night before Cherry Festival would be a good idea, and we should've saved a little more time to spend here to take it all in! Next time in Traverse City, we'll have dinner first elsewhere and I'll be stopping here again. It's a very cool place!

Right Brain Brewery
221 Garland Street
Traverse City, MI 49684

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